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“cash-less Nigeria” policy and increase the use of the eNaira.

이승현 기자 입력 : 2022.12.07 수정 : 2022.12.07 19:51
https://newsborn.co.kr/news/news_view.php?idx_no=14154 뉴스주소 복사

According to the article 'Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC' on Cointelegraph. 

The Central Bank of Nigeria issued a circular to financial businesses on Dec. 6 restricting cash withdrawals to $45 per day and $225 per week from ATMs and banks, with individuals hit with a 5% fee and businesses with a 10% fee for amounts above those limits.

Adoption rates for the eNaira have been low since its launch, with less than 0.5% of the population having used it.

Nigeria established its "cash-less" policy in 2012, and on Oct. 26 reissued new banknotes to encourage the shift towards digital payments.

[사진출처= 코인텔레그래프]

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