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OKX has released a proof of reserves page

이승현 기자 입력 : 2022.11.24 수정 : 2022.12.07 19:48
https://newsborn.co.kr/news/news_view.php?idx_no=14019 뉴스주소 복사

According to the article 'OKX releases proof-of-reserves page, along with instructions on how to self-audit its reserves' on Cointelegraph. 

OKX has released a proof-of-reserves page that allows users to audit its reserves to make sure it is solvent.

The proof-of-reserves page offers users two different options for auditing the exchange's reserves: a summary of the exchange's current reserves and liabilities for its top three cryptocurrencies, and a detailed reserve list.

The second option is labeled "view my audit" and allows the user to view their balances held at the exchange.

OKX has provided two help file documents that explain how to audit the reserves using the console on a PC. These documents explain how to query the API to get a Merkle tree of customer balances.

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